Boudoir is a genre that is often written off as self-indulgent but successful boudoir photographers have cracked the code. Boudoir can be empowering, it can be a healing process, it can help women rediscover their beauty.
Society often frowns upon women embracing their sexuality and boudoir is a way for women to channel this energy in a positive way. There is a raw and emotional component to this genre, that if channeled correctly through your work can make it very lucrative.
If you are doing good work, performing consistently and have good business practices the chances of being successful in this genre are really high.
every year I see my revenue double, and I’m on track to bring in $600,000 this year. If you take these tips and put in the work, you too can see these results. So here are four tips to get you on track to making half a million a year through boudoir photography.
Multi-Level Marketing
Think about marketing as a spider having lots of arms and legs reaching out to different locations that all matter in order to spin the web. That’s you and your business.
Putting all of the efforts in only one or two of your legs is bad practice. And that is where a lot of people make mistakes, they are putting all of their energy into Facebook and Google ads, and those just aren’t enough.
You have to channel your energy into other types of marketing, and what usually works best are more personal methods.
Something you should already be doing is investing in booths at bridal shows. At these shows, you are showing up and meeting people in person and learning about the people interested in your work. You also have the amazing opportunity to build up your email list, which will help you keep in constant contact with new people!
You might not be booking them right then and there but you’re catching these young brides at crucial moments, and you’ll know they have milestones like weddings, anniversaries, etc coming up so this is the perfect market.
You can also expand your brand on platforms like Instagram and Twitter, let people know you are there. Keeping you in the back of their minds will help them choose you first once they need you
VIP Groups
Making an exclusive group for your potential clients is an amazing way to integrate your business into their day to day and maximize your profits when the time to book comes.
My VIP group is a collective safe space for women to talk about all things boudoir. They can find inspiration for their shoots, talk about lingerie or beauty and much more.
It’s just all about them opening up and connecting to each other and your brand. Your clients will most likely post about their amazing experiences working with you and others will be encouraged to book without you having to put in extra work to book them.
Speaking of which, have you joined The High Rollers Club Facebook Group?
Personal Relationships
People don’t book the best photographer, they book the ones they know, so having personal relationships with potential clients is so important.
A great way to do this is by keeping in constant contact with them.
Emails should be your main point of contact and I’ve noticed that most of my students are not taking full advantage of it.
Your emails shouldn’t just be like “I’m having a sale, buy this, buy that”.
Think about your inbox, when you see those emails you just go ahead and delete them without reading.
But what about before and after emails or maybe an email about a client’s journey after giving birth or divorce.
Those will guarantee a click and will help you create the narrative of caring for your clients and every shoot you do. Give shoutouts to amazing shoots, maybe send a birthday email with a coupon.
Creating this clickable and relatable content that will make people remember you and your business. They want to shoot with a friend, not a stranger who is trying to sell to you.
Solidify Your IPS routine
Having my IPS routine locked in and perfecting my investment menu has helped me increase my sales average to $4,100. The way I have set up my pricing makes my middle packaged that is around that pricing my best seller if you want to purchase my price list to get on track to maximizing your average you can do so here.
I approach these sessions with the mindset of wanting to guide my clients to choose the best package for them rather than just coming off as someone who wants to sell them a product.
You want them to think of you as a friend, think about it when someone you like gives you advice or tells you to do something you are much more likely to do it.
You’re asking them to invest in your art, so guiding them through that process and treating them like a friend will make them want to make a bigger purchase.
Boudoir is a very intimate experience so treating the IPS process as intimately will guarantee an increase to your sales average.
If you need help increasing your sales average, you can take my price list here.
I made the transition to only doing boudoir shoots because I’ve found it to be much more fulfilling and because I have these approaches it has become much more lucrative as well. I’ve been able to pay off my school loans and my husband’s truck while doing something I love. You can also do this you just need to put together these puzzle pieces and welcome change.
If you have any questions on how you can make these changes in order to make your business more successful schedule a one on one call with me and I can help guide you in the right direction.
You can also take the next step and apply for The High Rollers Club Mastermind a place where badass entrepreneurs get together and learn and share ways to better their business.